For this project, I was asked to create a logotype using my own perspective and a single word or phrase from a song of my own choice. Once the logotype was created, I designed a postmodern grid from the logo for a lyric and logo focused layout. For the second part of the project, I was to create a second poster where we could change our logotype or utilize it with an image. For the poster, I focused on creating a dynamic layout where the images worked with the type.
Design Brief
Ella Melo, lead vocalist of the band Rainbow Kitten Surprise, best describes the song as the process of “reconciling who and what you love with the people you love”.
Hide : to put or keep out of sight; conceal from the view or notice of others
Song Interpretation & Word Selection
Once I decided what song and word I would be using I knew I wanted the logo type to reflect the definition of hide. I went through different iterations of the type hiding behind different masks and finally landed on having the word hide behind its own letters. When deciding on the color pallet I knew that I wanted more calming tones that were in contrast with the upbeat tempo of the song. I also thought of the meaning behind the word and of where I would to go if I were to hide. Leading back to nature and the green pallet you see in the final design.